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The React course at i.Academy

The React course at i.Academy

The React course at i.Academy is designed to teach individuals the fundamentals of the React JavaScript library and its application in building modern, interactive web applications. React is widely used for front-end development and provides a component-based approach for building user interfaces.

Here are some key aspects you might expect to find in a React course at i.Academy:

  1. Introduction to React: The course will provide an overview of React, its purpose, and its role in modern web development. Interns will learn about React’s core concepts, including components, JSX (a syntax extension for JavaScript), and the virtual DOM.
  1. JSX and Component Development: JSX is a syntax extension that allows you to write HTML-like code within JavaScript. The course will cover JSX syntax and teach interns how to create and compose React components. They will learn about component lifecycle methods, state management, and props.
  1. State Management: React provides a way to manage and update component data through state. The course will cover the concept of state in React components, how to update state, and best practices for managing state in complex applications. Interns will learn about local component state as well as state management libraries like Redux or MobX.
  1. React Router: React Router is a popular library for handling client-side routing in React applications. The course will cover how to navigate between different pages or views within a React application using React Router. Students will learn how to handle dynamic routes and handle user navigation.
  1. Styling in React: The course will cover different approaches to styling React components. Students will learn about CSS-in-JS solutions like Styled Components or CSS modules. They will also explore popular styling libraries and frameworks such as Material-UI or Bootstrap for building visually appealing user interfaces.
  1. Working with APIs: React applications often need to interact with external APIs to fetch or submit data. The course may cover how to make API requests using libraries like Axios or the built-in fetch API. Students will learn how to handle asynchronous operations and update component state based on API responses.
  1. React and State Management Libraries: The course will introduce students to popular state management libraries like Redux or MobX. They will learn how to integrate these libraries into a React application and manage complex application state using actions, reducers, and stores.

Building Real-World Projects: Interns will have the opportunity to work on real-world projects using React. These projects will help interns apply their knowledge and gain hands-on experience in building interactive web applications.

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